Previous Quarterly Medical Group Reports
The downloadable files below contain reports from the medical group inventory that Cattaneo & Stroud, Inc. maintains for the California HealthCare Foundation. Medical groups in the inventory are those that have at least 6 PCPs AND have a risk or non-risk contract directly with at least one HMO. Enrollment numbers are in ranges because some medical groups expressed concern about the use of specific enrollment numbers. The files below have been updated as of March 2017 unless otherwise noted.
See below the reports for major changes for this quarter’s update & requests/comments via our “pop-up survey”
Major changes for this Quarter’s Update:
- Access Medical Group IPA was purchased by Cedars-Sinai Medical Foundation in Sep 2015.
- Affiliated Physicians IPA changed MSO from MSO, Inc of SoCal to PremierOne Plus MSO
Nov 1, 2015.
- Quality Care IPA changed MSO from MSO, Inc of SoCal to PremierOne Plus MSO Nov 1,
- Dignity Health Medical Foundation purchased Physicians Medical Group of Santa Cruz
earlier this year.
- Integrated Health Partners (IHP), a new IPA of 11 community clinics in San Diego became
operational May 1, 2016. The 11 participating clinics’ Molina Medi-Cal business is currently
the only business of IHP; the clinics continue to contract with their HMOs under their current
arrangements. It is anticipated all the clinics’ HMO contracts will transition to IHP later this
year. IHP’s MSO is Medpoint Management. There are 5 IPAs of community clinics in
California, 3 of which are managed by MedPoint.
- California’s Attorney General approved the merger of Providence Health, Southern
California and St Joseph Health, June 21, 2016. The merger includes 15 hospitals and 2
medical foundations with their associated medical groups: Providence Health (Facey
Medical Foundation and Providence Medical Institute/Axminster Medical Group/Providence
Care Network); and St. Joseph Health (St. Joseph Heritage Healthcare).